We ship from our partnered factories located in the United States of America. So, please expect your items to be shipped separately (if you order more than one item) as different factories specialize in different areas of manufacturing. Our shop's currency is in USD.
All Sales are Final. There is no refunds or exchanges. If there is a defect with the product please contact us within 7 business days upon the arrival of the products ordered. Make sure you provide a picture of the product that is defective, we will determine if it is eligible for a replacement upon a review. Items may or may not be replaced if it is deemed not eligible. Please make sure you are ordering the correct item. Make sure to read the measurements in products that apply. If there are none, email us!
Don't like something you bought? Tell us about it, and we'll do our best to ensure your needs are met!
For shoe charms please handle with extreme care. We are not liable for damages caused by the user. Items are sent out brand new.
Order processing time takes 2-5 business days before shipment. Orders are not shipped on the weekends or holidays. Shipping usually can take up to 2-3 weeks, but it may take longer depending on your location. It also depends on demand and what you purchased. Please don't worry if you don't get it immediately, it's on its way. Be sure to check your shipping info and track your order. Some shipments tracking won't update while in transit, please be patient until it arrives in your country. Once in your item is in your country, it will update live time.
We accept all major credit/debit cards (VISA, Master Card, AMEX), Apple Pay, and Google Pay. We do not accept personal checks, money orders, direct bank transfers, bitcoin, or cash on delivery.
Your order may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are levied once a shipment reaches your country. To minimize any taxes we specify low item value on the package. Sometimes import taxes, duties, and related customs fees may be charged once the package arrives at the destination country. These charges are determined by the destination country's customs office and are the responsibility of the recipient. For further details on charges, please contact your country's customs office.
Note, in rare occasions, customs agents may delay delivery of some packages.
As soon as your order ships, you will receive an email confirmation to the email address you entered on your order. If for some reason, you did not receive an email, please check your spam folder and add jibbzpop@gmail.com to your safe sender list.
While some parcels can arrive early, some others may experience shipping delays, or you may live in a more isolated region from where we produce. If it does not arrive by 5 weeks upon ordering, we can help reship your order!
We ship from different factories worldwide so some items might arrive earlier than others. If you'd like to know the status of your other items, please email us with your name and order number.
Your country's customs department may decide to hold your items at the border temporarily, often without explanation! This is relatively rare, but if your order is held up in customs, we suggest calling your country's customs department directly and ask that they release your items immediately.
Note: if for some reason your order is never released by customs, we'll send you a replacement!
If you plan to give one of our items as a holiday gift, we do not recommend buying the items during the month when the holiday is happening. There is a risk of the item not arriving there on time. We are not held responsible for items that do not arrive before specified dates.
Sales are Final. No refunds or exchanges. Please email us as soon as possible if you wish to make changes to your address, shipping, or billing information. Your case will be reviewed as soon as possible. Note that once the item has been fulfilled, marked as shipped, or if we've started prepping your items, we are not able to make any changes to your order.
Please contact us immediately after receiving your order that is incorrect, missing, and/or damaged. Please include your order number, photographs of the item(s) and all related references upon receiving your package. We will do our very best to resolve your case as soon as possible.